Ferryhill Town Council has received a petition calling for the town’s Executive Officer, Jamie Corrigan, to have his title abolished and replaced with that of ‘Town Clerk’.

Twenty one residents signed the petition asking for a parish poll to be held on the subject. The poll would be similar to an election, which it is claimed could cost up to £25,000.

The petition, which was signed by several FAIR Party (Ferryhill Association for Independent Representation) members, is to be discussed at the annual meeting of the town council.

Labour Councillor, Bernie Lamb, accused FAIR members of instigating the petition, saying, “For two years it seems the FAIR party have been leading a witch hunt against council staff”.

FAIR Party members, however, said its group was not behind the petition, even though some of its members had signed.

The annual town council meeting takes place on the 14th May, 6-9pm, at St. Lukes Parish Centre, Church Lane, Ferryhill.