A Weardale community pub set up to fund village projects faces its first hurdle after residents lodged objections to a live music licence.

Proceeds from the Grey Bull, in Stanhope, will be ploughed back into activities for its customers after the Upper Weardale Community Trust took on the disused pub last month.

Director Chris Jones says extra cash will benefit villagers and has applied for a live music and cinema licence to boost takings.

Neighbours of the pub, however, say changes will lead to disruptive noise. Nigel and Heidi Jenkins whose home adjoins the pub on West Terrace have written to Durham County Council before the application goes before the licensing committee tomorrow.

If passed the Grey Bull can open a cinema until 12.30am and have live music till midnight seven days a week.

The couple feel the late hours are for holidaymakers who take caravan breaks in the picturesque dale rather than village folk.

Their letter reads: “We believe that an alteration of the licence, as applied for, would inevitably lead to the provision of entertainment geared toward holidaymakers and not for the reasonable enjoyment of local residents that have work commitments and are not on holiday.

“We have been told by staff at the Grey Bull that requests have been made by caravan owners for the provision of karaoke-style entertainment.

“Given the unavoidable sound transference to our property, we could not be expected to tolerate such low quality noise disturbance.”

The couple added they are supportive of the community pub venture but a late licence would mean lack of sleep and their home would be devalued.

Mr Jones, who runs a similar project at The Bridge Inn, in Middleton-in-Teesdale would be willing to negotiate.

He said: “It wasn’t until we opened the pub that we discovered we didn’t have an entertainment licence.

“With that component missing we can’t even have a folk night.

“It will be for everyone, not just caravan people.

“I am quite happy for the committee to restrict the licence.”

* The committee meets at 2pm at the Civic Centre in Crook