COUNCILLORS have backed plans to build 24 affordable homes for social rent.

The plans, for 12 houses and 12 flats, relate to a site previously occupied by council flats and garages on Welfare Close, in Easington Colliery.

Durham County Council’s area planning committee granted Isos Development’s new scheme at a meeting on Tuesday.

The homes will be paid for by the Homes and Communities Agency, a Government housing and regeneration body.

They will have south-facing solar panels and be built to the Code for Sustainable Homes level three standard.

Councillor David Boyes, who represents Easington, welcomed the project but asked whether an agreement could be reached requiring the developer to create recreational space as part of the project.

He said: "Easington Colliery is an area of deprivation. We’re sadly lacking in facilities.

"This is an opportunity to add things to the village, but we’re going to miss out again."

The committee approved the scheme unanimously.