A REQUEST has been submitted to the town council to use Bedale Park for a fair on May 7, 8 and 9, the town council was told last night.

This follows the pattern of previous years. Circumstances for accommodating the fair are a little different this year, as building work to the rear of Bedale Hall will be ongoing at that time, and are not expected to finish until June.

Under normal conditions, the fair and car boot sale makes maximum use of the available space.

However, the building works, its impact on car parking, toilet facilities and electrical services, caused members some concern.

Councillor Malcolm Young said: "The tradition of the fair is important to the town. I am sure the car boot sale could wrap itself around it."

Councillors have not given the fair the green light yet, but mayor Wanda Reynolds pledged it would be go ahead "if it possibly can".

Cycling area - A resident had emailed the town council asking for mounds of earth to be installed in the park, as a cycling area for young children.

The email read: "When visiting Bedale Park with my two young children on their bikes, they enjoy riding over the earth mounds of humps at the top of the park.

"They are too young to use the skate park and thoroughly enjoy this cycling activity.

"We should be encouraging our children into the fresh air and away from TVs. I would like to ask the town council to consider an additional play feature for the park."

Councillor Ellen Dunning said: "It is a good idea, but it’s not that simple. You cannot just have mounds, you’ve got to have safe mounds.

Councillor Bob Pocklington, deputy mayor of Bedale, suggested the council sought advice on potentially progressing the idea.

Concerns were raised that the area could be monopolised by older children, when it was suggested as a feature for younger children.

Councillor Clive Pointon said: "If the bumps are made in such a way that are less challenging, older children will gravitate away from them The council agreed to explore the idea further.

Girl guides - The council has agreed to allow the Northallerton and Wensleydale Division of the Girl Guides free use of the park, as part of celebrations for its centenary year. The guides have asked to hire the park on September 5.

Community schemes - Councillors heard an update on the various community schemes that are ongoing in the town. Clerk Richard Howard said the Heritage Trail information boards were proving popular, while the Arts Trail had not yet been completed.

Footpath works - An email from a local resident had expressed gratitude for the completion of work to install a footpath in Masham Road. The email read: "It is exactly what was needed, and I have heard very appreciative comments from a number of neighbours. The increased volume of traffic makes it particularly valuable. Thank you." Councillors agreed to write to North Yorkshire County Council’s highways department, to pass on and echo the resident’s sentiments.

Town ball - The town council has been confirmed as the organiser of this year’s ball.

Coun Young said: "The town ball should be ran by the town council, and should be open and transparent."

The ball will take place in the hall on October 24. Two potential charity beneficiaries have been mentioned - the Great North Air Ambulance and Macmillan Nurses.