A SCHOOL caretaker and rugby coach who has become the latest member of a town council has pledged to "give something back" to the community.

Clive Pointon was co-opted as a member of Bedale town council, when the committee met last night.

Mr Pointon, who replaces Carol Roberts, who resigned earlier this year, works at Bedale High School.

The 51-year-old, a former supermarket area manager, has lived in the town for the past 24 years.

He was one of two applicants for the vacancy on the committee who were invited to attend the meeting to address members.

The other applicant, Amanda Evans, failed to attend the meeting.

Mr Pointon told members he wanted to join the council "to give something back" to the town.

He said: "To be honest, the reason I first looked into applying for the vacancy was when I saw it advertised.

"It was not something I had considered before than.

"This is an opportunity to do something that helps the town.

"I am a married man, with a young daughter, and the more that happens in the town, the better we can make the town, the more opportunities there will be for me and my family."

After a short private session, members agreed to co-opt Mr Pointon onto the town council.