DISTRICT councillors have moved to offer financial help to businesses in rural areas, as part of an effort to beat the credit crunch and boost the local economy.

Hambleton District Council is offering business rates relief for enterprises in rural communities.

The council is joining forces with the Thirsk Regeneration Initiative (TRI) to make sure business leaders know how to reduce the amount they have to pay.

When TRI chairman Peter Walker raised the issue at a meeting of the council’s Thirsk area forum earlier this month, councillors Gareth Dadd and Neville Huxtable recognised that local businesses did not know the relief was available.

They have now worked with council officers to get the message out as soon as possible.

Unlike council tax paid by residential householders, business rates are a tax levied by central Government.

However, the district council is tasked with collecting the money from local businesses.

The council is able to provide relief from these rates, but Westminster limitations mean the relief is only available to businesses where the rateable value is less than £14,000 and the business is in a community with less than 3,000 residents.

Mr Walker said: “I am delighted that the council is going to make sure rural business leaders know about this entitlement.

“Rates relief will make the difference between survival and failure for some rural enterprises.”

Coun Dadd, district councillor for Thirsk and chairman of Thirsk area forum, said: “I am concerned that some small businesses are not aware of the savings that the small business rate relief scheme may bring.

“Smaller businesses are the engine room of local employment and lifeblood of the economy and we should support them as much as we can.

“If business leaders are concerned about the paperwork involved, they need to know that help can be provided.”

Coun Huxtable, who is a member of Hambleton District Council’s cabinet and ward member for the more rural area of Topcliffe, has also added his support to the scheme.

He said: “The rural economy causes me concern.

“Having seen village shops and Post Offices close over the past few years, I want to see as much help as possible given to those remaining businesses.

“I support the district council in this initiative to introduce a rate relief scheme for rural enterprises.”

Business leaders who want to access the scheme can call the council on 0845-1211-555.