POLICE have issued photographs of five people they want to question in connection with disorder and violence following the Newcastle Sunderland derby match earlier this year.

Trouble flared before, during and after the match on February 1, with about 20 fans arrested on the day, including nine before the game and a number during a post-match confrontation at Newcastle Central Station.

Police say they have already identified many of those involved in disorder on the day, but have released photographs of five men they still want to question.

Detective Sergeant Jane McLean said: “Since the derby game we’ve worked hard to identify several people involved in disorder following the game and we’re taking action against these people.

“Fans who get involved in disorder before, during or after games spoil it for the real supporters, and we just won’t tolerate this sort of violent or disorderly behaviour.

“I’d ask anyone who has any information about the men in these photographs to contact us as soon as possible.”

Anyone with information is asked to ring DS McLean on 0345-60-43-043 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.