AN award-winning photograph depicting a normally busy shopping street in early morning fog has been turned into a greetings card.

Peter Roberts took the photograph of High Row, Darlington, draped in fog on his way to work.

The amateur photographer entered the picture for Darlington’s Big Snap competition, and was named as the winner at the Best of Darlington Awards in February.

Following an idea posted on The Northern Echo website, that Mr Roberts use the photograph on the front of cards, his picture will help St Teresa’s Hospice.

Mr Roberts said: “My family has good reason to be grateful to the hospice movement, so I’m pleased that the win has not only opened up the business opportunity but enables me to support St Teresa’s Hospice.”

Mr Roberts has formed his own business, Edendays Images, to publish the card and hopes Morning Fog on High Row will be the first of many designs.

The card costs £2.10. It is available from The Art Shop, in Bondgate, Darlington; Darlington Tourist Information Centre, and St Teresa’s Hospice charity shops. Other retailers wishing to stock the card can contact Mr Roberts on 07968-898735.