A JEALOUS man carried out his threat to slash the new boyfriend of his long-term former partner, a court heard.

Stephen Kirkwood was yesterday jailed for six years for the attack in Shildon, County Durham, which left his victim scarred.

Durham Crown Court heard that Kirkwood and his former partner separated in early September last year following a ten-year relationship.

He sent her 18 threatening text messages within days of discovering she had begun a new relationship weeks later.

Joanne Kidd, prosecuting, said he referred to his former partner’s new boyfriend as a “dead man walking”, saying he was going to “properly do him in”, while he was heard saying the other man would, “get it, from here to there”, indicating he was going to slit his throat.

Miss Kidd said that after a night out with friends on September 21, the couple returned to the woman’s home in the early hours and the man went upstairs and fell asleep on a bed.

Kirkwood, who had been waiting in a car further along Auckland Terrace, in Shildon, pushed his way into the house via a back door, rushed past his former partner and another woman, then went upstairs.

Miss Kidd said the victim was woken by blows to his face, causing him to fall from the bed.

While on the floor, he was slashed with a craft knife at least twice in the face, suffering lacerations from one cheek to an eyelid.

Miss Kidd said he received several stitches and that the scars may be permanent.

She said Kirkwood appeared to go on the run and was arrested in Scotland, on January 30, following a national police hunt.

Kirkwood, 32, previously of Burnie Gardens, Shildon, last month admitted wounding with intent.

His barrister, Graeme Gaston, told yesterday’s hearing that Kirkwood was “not an inherently violent man” and presented four character testimonials to the court.

Jailing him, Judge Michael Cartlidge said was it was premeditated attack in