AN intruder who held a knife to the throat of a householder was yesterday jailed for five years.

Daniel Baldam went to the Middlesbrough home of cigarette seller Glynes Maslam to steal her stock and her cash, a court was told.

The 20-year-old fled with only £20 when he realised Mrs Maslam’s daughter, Lisa Harrison, had called the police.

Baldam had been at the house in North Ormesby earlier that day to buy some foreign cigarettes Mrs Maslam sold to make money.

He returned at 6.30pm, forced his way into the property and shoved Mrs Maslam onto the stairs, Teesside Crown Court heard.

The terrified 52-year-old had the knife held to her throat, after Baldam screamed: “Give me the f***ing fags and the cash.”

Robert Mochrie, in mitigation, told the court that Baldam was “thoroughly ashamed” and wanted to apologise to the two women.

Mr Mochrie said Baldam had found it difficult to cope with the death of his six-month-old son in 2007 and used cannabis and alcohol.

He said: “That doesn’t excuse his actions, but helps assess the circumstances of this young man who very much lived for the day.

“He has now had time to reflect on this, and, after his release, hopefully, he will be able to live a meaningful life.”

Baldam, of Thornton Street, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to the January 31 aggravated burglary at an earlier hearing.

Judge Les Spittle told him: “It is obvious from the evidence that you went there, premeditated, fullyarmed, ready to steal from her whatever you wanted.

“It must have been a terrifying experience for her and for her daughter. Those who arm themselves with knives and attack people in their own homes can expect a substantial custodial sentence.”