Here’s a cracking little tale sent in by Ally Milroy.

Prior to corrective eye surgery, Jonna Milroy was known as Blind Pew. Even with contact lenses, his optic abilities were limited. Not helped by once putting 2 lenses in the same eye and non in the other, prior to a Sunday morning football match after a heavy Saturday night. It took him till half time to notice, he though the first 45 mins of blurriness was just him sobering up!!

So with a shotgun he was even more deadly.

A long while back we had some good rough shooting near Egglestone, (all legal I might add) and Elmer Fudd and I reached an elevated position above a huge long field where we knew there’d be rabbits.

Except today there wasn’t…..or so I thought..

“There’s one” says Jonna.

“Where” says I.

Jonna retorted “Right in the middle of the field, about 200 yds down! Are you blind or what young’un?”

It always advisable to stay behind Jonna and a loaded gun, so I said as he’s spotted the rabbit, he can lead the way, which meant a long slow crawl along the stone dyke to bring said bunny into range. I’d not long had a knee op, so crawling was giving me gip, but we got half way and checked for the pesky varmints position.

“It hasn’t moved” Jonna proudly reported after a peek over the wall. (I still couldn’t see it.) Another quiet shuffle and we’d reached the point marked as being in range.

“It’s still there” he confirmed with marked excitement.

I nodded approval, so Jonna dropped the safety catch and we both slowly lifted our heads, Jonna whipped the gun to his shoulder and let rip. A loud bang was instantly followed by a louder P’TING as the pellets whipped off a sizeable brown stone laid ‘dead’ in the middle of the field.

“You stupid blind bugger!” says I, “You’ve had me crawl the length of this wall to shoot a stone. I could have told you 20 minutes ago it was a stone, it was obvious! What on earth made you think it was a rabbit????”

Jonna paused, drew his breath, shook his head and replied, “WELL, I’M SURE I SAW IT’S EARS TWITCHING!"