A BUS driver has been suspended while an investigation is carried out into an accident that left several passengers needing medical attention.

Of the six passengers on board, four were taken to hospital following a terrifying end to the journey through Dormanstown, near Redcar.

Three casualties suffered bruising and shock, and an elderly woman had leg injuries and cuts to her head after the incident at 10am on Saturday A spokesman for Arriva, John Fozzard, said: "We are officially investigating the incident and we are assisting police and VOSA with their inquiries and investigations. The driver has been suspended from duties."

The vehicle was turning left from The Fleet into South Avenue, Dormanstown, when it left the road, smashed through railings before crashing into a tree on a grassy play area.

The force of the impact up-rooted the tree and dragged it under the number 64 bus, which had been bound for Redcar.

Two fire engines from Redcar Fire Station and two additional teams from Stockton Fire Station attended the incident.

A spokesman for Cleveland Police said the bus had been taken away to be examined and an investigation was under way.