CLEVELAND Police has drawn up its plans for reducing crime and tackling anti-social behaviour for the next three years.

The plan also focuses on reducing the harm caused by drugs and alcohol and ensuring efficient and effective use of people and the publics money.

Chief Constable Sean Price, said: "The plan sets out our vision for the next three years in relation to local policing priorities and the level of service that people can expect from Cleveland Police under the Policing Pledge.

"We are doing well - crime has reduced by 17.3 per cent during the last financial year and we are top of the table when it comes to confidence, but we arent by any means complacent."

Police Authority Chairman Coun Dave McLuckie: "Both the Authority and the force are driven by the conviction that the people we serve have the right to live free from fear on their streets and their homes and we share the publics view that this is best achieved by putting the maximum amount of our resources into frontline policing.

"It is an approach which has delivered real benefits over the last four years there have been 12,000 fewer crimes in our area and it is reflected in the high public confidence we now enjoy."

The Policing Plan is available on the Cleveland Police internet site at