ONE of the country’s leading football referees will be passing on tips to a group of North-east amateurs this week when he speaks at their association.

Premier League and FIFA official Mike Riley, from Leeds, is guests speaker at the Bishop Auckland Referees’ Association on Thursday night.

Mr Riley refereed the 2002 FA Cup Final between Arsenal and Chelsea and officiated in the 2004 European championships.

Terry Farley, secretary of the Bishop Auckland Referees’ Society, said: "Mike is one of the top referees in the country and we are delighted that he has agreed to visit us in Bishop Auckland.

"He has refereed at the highest level in European and domestic football and I’m sure he will have many stories about his career that he can share with us."

Mr Rile is the second high profile guest speaker visiting the society this season, following Howard Webb’s visit in November.

The meeting is at Bishop Auckland Cricket Club from 7pm. Contact Terry Farley on 01325-313647, email: