AN AREA of a Teesdale village prone to flooding in heavy rain is to undergo £200,000 improvement scheme.

Northumbrian Water will invest the money to improve the sewerage network in the Evenwood Lane and Farncombe Terrace area of Evenwood.

The 12-week improvement scheme, which begins this week, will involve upgrading 350 metres of sewer pipe and screening a combined sewer overflow.

Combined sewer overflows are designed to discharge wastewater into watercourses in times of very heavy rainfall to protect properties and surrounding land from flooding.

Danny Coyne, Northumbrian Waters project manager, said: "This upgrade will have a positive environmental impact as it will improve the quality of wastewater discharged to Crook Beck in times of heavy rainfall.

"We will do all we can, through careful planning with Durham County Council to keep any disruption to a minimum."

Randolph Terrace will be closed for one week in early June and temporary traffic lights will be in place for one week following the work.

It is very unlikely that anyone from Northumbrian Water will need to gain access into customers' homes while the work is being carried out.

If residents are in any doubt of a caller claiming to be from the water company, they should not let them in and call 0845-717-1100 to confirm the caller's identity.