RESIDENTS will take on the role of being a judge during a day-long justice seminar later this week.

During the day-long seminar, members of the public will spend the morning taking part in interactive "You Be The Judge" sessions, in which they look at real cases and suggest the sentence they would like to have seen, then take part in afternoon sessions on victim support, youth crime and sentencing, community safety and the Community Payback scheme.

The event has been organised by the County Durham Residents’ Association to allow local people the chance to learn more about the criminal justice system and takes place at Bowburn Community Centre, in Durham City on Friday, April 24.

Around 100 members of the public are expected to attend, along with staff from a variety of agencies involved in the criminal justice system, who will answer questions and offer information and advice.

The event runs from 9am to 3.30pm and further information is available from the local criminal justice board website