VOLUNTEERS are being sought to take part in a traffic calming initiative run by Durham Police.

The strategy aims to reduce the number of vehicles speeding through villages, and will initially be carried out in Evenwood and Toft Hill.

Volunteers will assist police officers in recording details of speeding vehicles, which will result in warning letters being sent out to offenders.

A police spokeswoman said: "The initiative will give the community an awareness of actual speeds through villages, and enables the police to effectively target persistent offenders.

"People interested in signing up must be willing to donate some of their spare time to help on the programme, even if it is just a few hours every month."

Participants will have to attend an equipment and handling induction session prior to starting the voluntary work, and must be aged 18 or over.

Anyone interested in taking part should visit PCSO Stacy Walker at Bishop Auckland police station on Woodhouse Lane, or contact the Bishop Auckland Police Beat Office on 0345-60-60-365.

Registration closes on Wednesday.