FOUR people were taken to hospital after a bus filled with Saturday morning shoppers crashed into a tree.

Passengers were thrown about the Arriva bus during the terrifying journey in Dormanstown near Redcar.

Three casualties sustained cuts and bruises and one woman was removed on a spinal board with leg injuries.

The single decker was travelling around a corner into South Avenue when it ploughed through a low ornamental fence and hurtled 30 yards before hitting a tree on a sports ground.

Paul Hodgson, Redcar fire station watch manager, was called out to the scene.

He said crews attended to five walking wounded, including the male driver, who were suffering from bumps, bruises and shock.

"The only way we could remove the woman with leg injuries was by removing the rear exit door and putting her on a spinal board," he said.

"The crash was a severe impact as the front of the bus had caved in.

"Passengers on board would have been flying about."

The accident happened just before 10am yesterday morning as the bus made its way into Redcar town centre.

Mr Hodgson said it was difficult to tell how many passengers had been riding on the bus as many were sitting on the grass verge when the four fire engines attended and several passers-by had climbed onboard to help.

South Avenue consists of houses on one side of the road and a primary school, sports field, cricket club and tennis courts on the other.

A spokesman for Cleveland Police said the bus had been taken away to be examined and an investigation was underway.

Were you on the bus? Contact Lucy Richardson on 01325 505078.