SALES have increased so dramatically in the first quarter of 2009 at the Hungate development in York that director Martina Collins and sales adviser Trudi Heslop felt moved to broadcast the good news from the rooftop of the new urban village in the city centre.

Martina said: “In the fourth quarter of last year people were visiting the development but were reluctant to commit until the wider economic picture cleared on their savings and investments.

“In 2009 we have agreed sales every week as purchasers’ confidence returns.

“People are confident that York has not been as affected as other major centres and Hungate offers a unique opportunity to live within the city walls.

“Clearly Hungate’s location is attractive to people who love York and being within walking distance of good shops, the Minster and Clifford’s Tower is cited by buyers of all ages as a definite advantage in choosing to make their home here.

“Buyers are mostly from York, Yorkshire and the North-East.”

The first phase at Hungate is now nearing completion and comprises 162 houses and apartments with a range of environmentfriendly and energy-saving features.

Buyers are predominantly owner-occupiers, intending to reside at Hungate full time or as a second home, and private buy-tolet investors.

Details of the new homes are at and the Hungate marketing suite is open daily. Phone 01904 676797 for further details.