PLANS to create a riverside vista to protect and enhance the history of a short stretch of the River Tees are starting to take shape.

The Friends of Tees Heritage Park (FTHP) hopes to save a six-and-a-half mile length of the River Tees from development.

Chairman Doug Nicholson has described the area, bounded by the communities of Thornaby, Ingleby Barwick, Yarm and Eaglescliffe, as having a colourful history which needs to be preserved.

He said: "Things are starting to make progress and the group is trying to move the project forward by accessing funding to make our dream a reality.

"We are always seeking to encourage more people to get involved and to air their views. Our achievements so far show how a strong proactive community group can influence our lives."

At a public meeting next week , the Friends will both outline their aspirations for the future and celebrate the fact that their concept is already firmly entrenched in the thinking of the authorities able to make it a reality.

In particular, Stockton Borough Council, British Waterways, Tees Valley Wildlife Trust, the Environment Agency and Stockton/Middlesbrough Initiative have actively and enthusiastically supported the idea.

FTHP is also an active member of the Stockton River Users Group, formed by Stockton Council. This comprises three working groups responsible for marketing, river stewardship and development/access.

Their first major project, Take to the Tees, is a week long event, from August 22, to raise awareness of the river.

This will include activities related to the historical and environmental heritage, including local community walks and events organised by the Friends.

The group is also active in seeking funds to develop the project and, with support from project partners, recently lodged a successful stage one application for Community Space Flagship worth £584,000. Further bids are expected this year.

To find out more, visit and come along to the public meeting at Preston Hall, 10.30am on Saturday, April 25, to hear presentations on progress to date and the future Action Plan, following a brief annual general meeting.