Last weeks meeting was a Reasons night at the Booth Hall. Thank you to Laura Booth for showing us how to give a good set of reasons.


1st Katie wilson with 88
2nd Katie Poulter with 87
3rd Chloe Wasden with 85
1st Jonny Ashton with 88
2nd Emma Walton with 84
3rd Tom Anderson with 81
1st Lucy Snowdon
2nd Andrew Thorton

Names are now in for the mascot race on Sunday 26th April. Those who have booked a ticket need to give Laura £7 as soon as possible. If you would like to sponsor our mascot you can log on to or ring Laura on 07891774651. All money goes to Sue Ryder Care.

Thank you to all members that went to Cledales coffee morning last Saturday and also the members who sent cakes, tombola prizes and bric-a-brac.

Smeaton YFC are having a quiz night on the 24th April at Smeaton Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 each which includes Pie and Pea Supper. Ring James Garbutt for tickets on 07762953437.

There is a beef and lamb judging on Thursday 23rd April at Rockys by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Walton. Everyone who is judging at Cledale rally should attend this.

Next weeks meeting is Rally Preparation Night at the Booth Hall, meet there at 7.30pm. Will members please bring equipment to the meeting to help them with their rally entries, i.e cookery books, pens, paper, colouring pens and bottle tops.

There is a committee meeting on Monday night at the Booth Hall at 8pm.