TEENAGE St John Ambulance cadet Fran Rock is celebrating a right royal achievement.

Not only was she chosen as North Yorkshire/Teesside Cadet of the Year, she was also invited to Buckingham Palace to represent the area at a reception given by Commandant-in-Chief Princess Anne.

Northallerton College student Fran, 16, of Romanby, said: "Going to Buckingham Palace was amazing. I had to hurriedly learn how to curtsey.

"Princess Anne spoke to each of us. She was really nice and took a great interest in what we’d done."

Fran joined St John Ambulance 11 years ago. Her brother, sister and parents were all members.

"When people think of St John they usually associate it solely with first aid, but it has so much more to offer," she said.

"We participate in a wide range of outdoor activities, including canoeing, raft-building, summer camps and parties – in other words, there’s a lot of fun as well, and you meet some great people along the way, in addition to learning useful skills!"

To clinch the Cadet of the Year title, Fran had to prepare a three-minute presentation, undergo an interview and join in a team-building exercise.

In addition to St John Ambulance she is a keen follower of rugby – having been a player briefly - and works as a volunteer at the Cancer Research shop in Northallerton.