A TRIO of talented young musicians are to come together for a concert next week.

Teenagers Jenna Cave, Ally Beckett and Lewis Wright are to share the bill at the concert at North Road Methodist Church, Durham City, on Saturday, April 25.

Miss Cave, in her final year of sixth form at Durham Johnston School before hopefully going on to study medicine, will be playing piano and viola with a programme including Mendelssohn and Faure and an arrangement for viola of Saint-Saens’ popular piece The Swan from the Carnival of the Animals.

Fellow Durham Johnston pupil Miss Beckett, who hopes to study Ancient and Medieval history then train as a primary school teacher, will be playing piano and flute with music by Bach, Mozart and Tchaikovsky as well as three Irish jigs.

Pianist Lewis Wright, who is 19, is a former Durham Johnston pupil now studying popular music at New College, Durham. His programme includes works by Mozart, Chopin, Satie and Scott Joplin.

The concert, arranged by Durham Young Musicians, begins at 2pm and tickets are priced £3, or £2 for concessions and Durham Young Musicians members, available at the door.