CAMPIGNERS battling plans which may see an incinerator built 800metres from their homes are calling on county councillors to reveal their views.

The Dalton Incinerator Steering Committee (DISC) is fighting North Yorkshire County Council’s plans which may see an incinerator built on Dalton Airfield Industrial Estate.

The site is listed as one of seven possible locations by the council for the incinerator.

DISC is now targeting all of the authority’s 72 elected members shortly before the June 4 county elections to ask how they feel on the issue.

David Andrews, DISC chairman, said: "We accept that you can’t continue to put waste into the land, but we strongly feel burning the waste in incinerators has just as many consequences.

"There is a great deal of evidence about the inherent dangers of releasing potentially dangerous gases into the atmosphere close to homes and agricultural land.

"We believe more can be done to develop recycling and to educate people about this.

"However much the council might hope this issue can be pushed through without a fuss, that isn’t going to happen.

"The decisions taken by the council aren’t just going to effect us, but also future generations.

"We intend to make the councillors elected to represent the residents make it equally clear where they stand on this issue."

Thirsk’s Conservative county councillor Gareth Dadd, said: "Anything that is placed on to the table that effects the people I represent I put their views first."

The county’s incinerator plan, in its Minerals and Waste Development Framework Core Strategy, was criticised by the Planning Inspectorate and is being redrafted.

A council spokesman said: "Like all authorities we face challenging waste disposal targets and financial penalties if they’re not met.

"The council recycles 40 per cent of household waste and aims to recycle 50 per cent by 2020.

"Failure to put in place new technology to divert waste from landfill sites will cost tax payers hundreds of millions of pounds."

The other possible incinerator locations are Allerton Park Quarry, Boroughbridge; Tancard Quarry, Catterick; Barnsdale Bar Quarry, Selby; Gateforth Park Farm, Selby; Burn Airfield, Selby; and Gascoinge Wood mine site, at Sherburn on Elmet.

DISC is working with Allerton Park locals to fight a scheme there too.