SHE’S a mum in a million – after transforming the lives of more than 350 children.

Foster mother Audrey Cranmer has cared for children from babies to teenagers for 30 years, In June 2006, she was awarded an MBE with her late husband, Keith, in honour of their work for young people.

But Mrs Cranmer, of Pickering, North Yorkshire, is finally retiring from the world of fostering next month due to ill health.

“It has been a wonderful experience giving a home to so many children and it is especially gratifying when they keep in contact,” she said.

Now Mrs Cranmer is planning to spend more time with her own grandchildren and the rest of her family.

Susannah Boothroyd, of North Yorkshire County Council’s fostering and adoption service, said: “Audrey and Keith did an absolutely wonderful job as foster parents and I’m sure the children they cared for – many probably parents themselves now – will always be grateful for the devoted care they gave to them.

“We are certainly very appreciative for all their help with so many young people.”

*Also pictured: Mrs Cranmer's daughters and their children. Back, from left, Kayleigh, 14, Yvonne, Reece, nine, Dawn, Kierran, nine, Michelle and Hannah, one.