Word has reached me that I've started to make it big in Chile!

Ok, there's a long way to go but at least I've made a start...

The news came in an email today from former Northern Echo reporter Alison Lewis, who now works as a press officer for Darlington Borough Council.

Alison has just come back from visiting a friend caled Zoe in Chile and noticed a copy of one of my Dad At Large books on the bookshelf.

The book - a signed copy no less - had been sent out to Zoe by her mum who's a member of the WI somewhere in North Yorkshire.

The books are based on my column (about what a hard time dads get), and they raise money for the Butterwick Children's Hospice.

I know they end up all over the world but this is the first evidence of them making it to Chile.

Apparently, I signed the book "To Wildo" who is Zoe's husband.

So hello Wildo in sunny Chile - from Dad At Largo in chilly Darlo.