TRIBUTES have been paid to a loving mother-of-three who collapsed and died while out with friends.

Joanne Sayers fell to the ground in the Coach and Horses pub, in Consett, County Durham, late on Sunday night.

It was a rare night out for the 25-year-old, from Maple Terrace, in Catchgate, near Stanley, with old friend Lisa Robinson and others.

Ms Robinson, 35, of Holly Terrace, Catchgate, said: “She hadn’t had much too drink, but she mentioned that her arms were feeling heavy earlier in the evening.

“We were on our way out and she stumbled over and someone carried her outside and there were loads of people around her trying to resuscitate her.”

A former nurse, a doorman, police and paramedics all tried to save her, but she died on the pavement outside the pub.

Ms Robinson said: “I am properly devastated. She will always be remembered.”

Miss Sayers leaves three children; Leah, five, Drew, four and one-year-old Dale, who will be looked after by her partner of two years, Dale Ross.

Mr Ross, of Derwent Strreet, Blackhill, Consett, said: “She was the best mother in the world and would go without to make sure she could provide for her kids.

“She was completely devoted to them and a wonderful person.”

Miss Sayers was a popular member of her community and the family has been inundated with messages of sympathy and support.

Mr Ross added: “She wasn’t a party animal – she was fit and healthy and not taking any medication.

“This has come out of the blue and completely destroyed us. It has left a massive hole in the family.

“The support has been phenomenal and I would not be able to cope if it wasn’t for everyone around us.”

Funeral arrangements are being made by her family, who believe she may have suffered from a heart condition like her father, John, who needed surgery when he was younger.

He said: “This has devastated us all. She held us all together and did everything for everyone.

“She was very much loved and can never be replaced.”