The Clerk to the Council, Trevor Lewis, reports on some items of discussion at the April meeting of the council...

Making a difference!

The Parish Council have vacancies for three local Councillors: this is the opportunity to be involved in council management at a local level and make a positive contribution to village life: further information from the Parish Clerk.

A job well done!

Alderman John Priestley has announced his retirement from local politics: John has served the community for 35 years and that is an outstanding achievement. The Parish Council record their appreciation for all Johns work and wish him well in his retirement.

Planning Applications; The Council have no objections to two applications.

1. A new refrigeration unit in the rear yard of the Cooperative Store.

2. Secure fencing around the Flame Stack on Cockfield Fell.

Police Matters; There were seven incidents of broken windows in Manor Grove, but six of these stemmed from a house party that got out of hand, and one person was arrested for Criminal Damage.

One youth has been arrested for possession of drugs at the rear of Rest Haven.

The local beat officer, PC Williamson, confirmed that there will now be a Police presence in the village every Friday night between 5.30pm and 3.00am.

Village greens; 1. Dog fouling continues to be the source of many complaints from residents; the Parish Council agreed to request that Durham County Council be asked to allow an Enforcement Officer to visit the village to reduce this problem.

2. Litter is also a concern; all business premises in the village will receive appropriate advice on their legal responsibilities, as businesses, to the local environment.

Council budget; The budget for 2009/10 was approved and is within the precept raised through the community charge: the councillors will ensure that the precept is used to enhance the quality of life in the village.