A HOUSE that had become the centre for drug use and anti-social behaviour has been closed down even though police found no drugs during a raid.

A crack house closure order was issued to stamp out the problems surrounding 33 Woodville Avenue, Beechwood, Middlesbrough following complaints from residents.

The order was granted at Teesside Magistrates' Court after a large amount drugs paraphernalia was found at the address during a police raid.

PC Chris Lambert said: "This was quite unique because no drugs were found during a raid but there was a significant amount of drug paraphernalia including needles, foil and spoons used for heroin taking.

"Many residents had made complaints about anti-social behaviour around the house as people were coming and going at all times of the day and night. Some people were even changing their routes home because people were hanging around intimidating them."

The police worked with Middlesbrough Council and social housing provider Erimus housing to secure the order.