VOLUNTEERS are being sought to ensure Stockton’s heritage is preserved.

Stockton Borough Council is looking for people to take an interest in the future of the town and to take part in quarterly meetings.

Volunteers are needed to take part in a regular forum as part of Stockton Heritage in Partnership (SHiP) - a scheme funded by English Heritage and the council.

The council is keen for those taking part to have their say in what the scheme is doing and make their views known.

They would be expected to liaise with others from the part of the community they represent.

Councillor Bob Cook, Stockton Council's cabinet member for regeneration and transport, said: "We are keen for members of the community to come forward and make their views known about Stockton's heritage and any plans for the future of the town centre and neighbouring streets."

For more information contact SHiP co-ordinator, Elizabeth Marsh on 01642-527824.