A NURSES’ group which helped generations of hospital patients its to hold a reunion.

The Shotley Bridge Hospital Nurses’ League will hold its 42nd anniversary get-together in Consett Civic Centre on Saturday, April 25, from 2.30pm.

Over many years, the nurses worked to raise money for the hospital, buying furnishings, bedside telephones and paying for the construction of two flats made available to visitors.

Members also gave Christmas presents to inpatients spending the festive period in the hospital.

At its peak, the league had more than 100 members.

Nurse Liz Pitt said: "We belonged to that hospital and the patients belonged to us.

"We wanted to care for them that bit more."

The Nurses’ League no longer raises money for patients but about 80 former nurses from the hospital are expected to travel from across the country for the reunion.

Mrs Pitt, 60, who now works as a nurse at University Hospital of North Durham, in Durham City, added: "We had a great camaraderie, which we were privileged to have, and we wanted to keep that going, even if we just meet once a year."

The reunion will give people the opportunity to catch up and swap news over afternoon tea. A small admission fee will be charged.

Anyone wanting more information can call Liz Pitt on 01207-235-102 or Elsie Fairlamb on 01207-590-498.