TWO students are about to become globetrotters as they set sail into their new careers after securing dream jobs.

Darlington College beauty students, Jayde Carter and Ashleigh Barker, both 19, were picked from hundreds of applicants to work on board some the worlds most luxurious liners.

Steiner Cruises recruit hairdressers, nail technicians and beauty professionals from all over the world to work on board their fleet of 116 liners.

Beauty tutor Lisa Anderson said: "Beauty professional careers with Steiner are highly sought after positions within the industry and it is very rare for students straight from college to be offered a job.

"Both Jayde and Ashleigh have been outstanding in every aspect and have consistently worked to a very high standard. It’s a great achievement and we are all very proud of them."

Both girls will undertake a further three months training at the Steiner headquarters in Middlesex before being allocated a cruise liner which could see them sailing to America, Alaska, Dubai or the Caribbean.

Jayde, of Catterick Garrison, said: "Travelling really appealed to me, meeting new people and seeing new places, so being offered the position with Steiner was like a dream come true.

"We will be away for nine months on our first cruise which will be chosen for us but after that we will be able to request which liner we would like to work aboard. I’m hoping they send me somewhere hot."

Ashleigh, of Newton Aycliffe, added: "Getting this job is a great way to see the world while doing the job I love."