CHARITY fundraisers will trek across Peru to the Lost City of the Incas to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation.

Matthew Duckworth, of Sessay, near Thirsk, North Yorkshire, and his girlfriend, Teri Laskowski, from Reading, will walk the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.

Starting on May 9, they will walk with about 18 other people for five days, with time set aside before they start to acclimatise to the altitude.

The 45-mile walk will take the pair up to altitudes of 4,200 metres as they raise funds to fight a disease that has affected both of them.

They chose the charity because Miss Laskowski’s grandfather and Mr Duckworth’s uncle, Bob Fraser, died of heart disease.

Miss Laskowski’s grandmother has also had a heart bypass.

Mr Duckworth, 24, said: “I think we will be doing about seven to eight hours of walking a day.

“We have been out training for the last six months and we have been out walking and also we have done some gym work and we are ready now.

“It’s the walk of a lifetime.

“I am extremely excited. We are feeling quite fit and we will do a little bit more training and we just want to get going.

“The main reasons for choosing the Inca Trail for this is mainly because of the history behind it and because of the challenge.”

The pair are paying for the walk and their travelling expenses out of savings, so all of the money they raise will go to the charity.

So far, they have raised £4,000 for the foundation.

A foundation spokesman said: “We are very pleased with their efforts and it is brilliant that people support us like this.”

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