A VILLAGE has celebrated the latest in a series of developments at its church.

A £60,000 learning porch has been created at St James’ Church, in Coundon, County Durham, and was opened during a family fun day on Easter Sunday.

Information panels that hang on the porch walls cover a range of subjects from local history to native wildlife. They link up with educational resources researched by church members and a wildlife trail that will be created outside, including a wildlife garden in the churchyard.

Father Gary Nicholson said: “It is an educational resource not just for schoolchildren from the village but people from surrounding areas, and links in well with all aspects of the national curriculum.

“We hope it will interest people in Coundon and teach them about their heritage.”

For the past seven years members have raised funds for a series of improvements to the church.

It started with a new £118,000 roof, then new windows were installed, a painted ceiling, kitchen and toilets, and the floors levelled and aisles widened.

Fr Gary is hopeful the project will be completed this year with a new road leading to the church, improvements to the Lady Chapel and a meeting room.

He said: “For every year of the campaign, the parish has raised £10,000 itself – that is a lot of money for former pit villages like this and shows how much people care and value this church.

“We are striking the right balance between preserving the beautiful church and enabling the community to use and feel part of it.”