CASH is winging its way to a group of pigeon fanciers in the region.

Racing birds will be easier for members of Billy Row Homing Society, near Crook, County Durham, as the money will pay for sophisticated timing equipment.

Voluntary organisation 2D, in Crook, helped the group apply for the £6,800 National Lottery funding and a further £1,798 from the County Durham Foundation.

The society has more than 20 members, aged between 20 and 80, and chairman Alan Brown hopes the cash injection will help it attract new members.

He said: “The money means we can buy electronic timing devices which help to time the birds accurately when they are racing.

“The system is also less stressful for the birds as they don’t have to be caught and a rubber ring removed, they simply walk over the entry pad and their time is logged.

“Two of our older members suffer from arthritis and several have mobility problems, so the new equipment means they can continue to enjoy their hobby without problems to their health.”

2D can assist other groups with funding applications and can be contacted on 01388-762220 or at For more information about the homing society, call Mr Brown on 01388-763928.