AN investigation is underway into allegations that Army officer cadets took part in sex and drinking binges during a training camp in the region.

The antics are boasted about in a magazine produced by members of the Sheffield Universities Officer Training Corps - titled Slag Mag.

An account of a camp, at an unknown location in North Yorkshire, alleges sexual activity.

It was also reported that there were drinking sessions during a training camp in Scotland for 130 male and female cadets.

A spokeswoman for the Officer Training Corps said: "Any behaviour that damages trust, degrades individuals or brings the Army into disrepute will not be tolerated.

"The commanding officer of Sheffield University Officer Training Corps is now conducting a full investigation."

A Sheffield University spokeswoman said Slag Mag was an unofficial publication which was not authorised by the university.

She told the Sheffield Star: "It is not freely available for sale on the University of Sheffield campus, and appears to have been copied in small numbers for private distribution amongst members of the OTC."