CLEVELAND Police have launched a campaign to reduce the number of motorcyclists injured and killed each year.

Officers in the force’s bike team are to continue to support the annual Ridewell event, which aims to cut the number of casualties while still providing entertainment for all the family.

It will take place at Preston Park, near Stockton, on August 2.

They are workingunder the campaign Working With Motorcyclists, For Motorcyclists.

Three people lost their lives on roads across Teesside last year as a result of riding motorbikes.

Sergeant Nick Walker, of Cleveland Police’s bike team, said he continues to have concerns about the number of injuries and deaths that occur as a result of the bikes He said: "We want people to enjoy their motorcycles and ride responsibly, showing respect for other road users, and the communities through which they travel.

"Every road death causes significant pain and suffering for family members and friends who lose somebody close to them.

"The three motorcycle fatalities that occurred in our area last year were all avoidable."

Cleveland Police’s motorcycle team will be continuing their observed ride programme throughout the year.

The main aim of the programme is to bridge the gap between Standard licence holders and advanced programmes.

The observed ride is a free service that the team offer with bikers attending on their own machines and having a one to one session with a class 1 advanced police rider and normally lasts for half a day.

All you need to do to take part in an observed ride is either ring the Cleveland Police Bike Team directly on 01642 301574, or visit and complete an observed ride booking form.

The bike team will also be supporting National Ride to Work Day on July 15.

Sgt Walker said: "I hope riders will see that we want to support them and assist them in their riding.

"Our supporting programmes are not about enforcement with motorcyclists. We simply want to assist people in their riding, make them safer and encourage them to develop their skills and respect."