EASTER cheer was brought to dozens of children in hospital as part of a mass motorcycle ride.

The traditional Easter Egg Run, organised by the officers of Durham Police’s bike section – now in its fifth year – delivered chocolate eggs to children getting treatment at the University Hospital of North Durham, in Durham City, and Darlington Memorial Hospital.

Last year, the event had to be cancelled at the last minute due to atrocious weather, but riders were blessed with clear skies yesterday.

Motorcyclists assembled in the car park at Tesco, in Renny’s Lane, Durham, and were given a police escort along the A167 allowing them to call at the children’s wards of both hospitals.

The ride concluded at police headquarters, Aykley Heads with a free surgery offering advice on bike safety and security.

Sergeant Iain Rodgers, head of the eight-man section, said “The Easter ride has become a curtainraiser to the new biking season in Durham and it gives us a great chance to engage with local bikers.

“It is an early opportunity to get across basic safety messages and encourage all motorcyclists to respect their machines, themselves and other road-users.”

The event also heralded the launch of Durham Police’s annual campaign to reduce motorcycle casualties over the summer.

The education programme concentrates on the Durham Dales and involves officers stopping riders to highlight potential dangers.

Posters bearing safety advice are being displayed on buses operating in many of the county’s rural areas, and police will hand out guides which unfold to display safety warnings relevant to the most popular routes.

The main safety message this year is “Clear? Sure?

Wait a Second!”, tied in to the current Government “Think!” campaign.

More information about the ride and other biking issues can be found at durham.police.uk/bikewise