I've just received an email from Caroline Gaydon, mum of 14-year-old Harvey Gaydon, the 14-year-old Darlington boy who is undergoing a bone marrow transplant to treat his leukaemia.

I know a lot of people are thinking of Harvey, so here's what his mum had to say...

"Hello to you all again, Here we are at the end of our second week of survival in isolation. The good news is that Harvey's spirits continue to remain high even in the face of adversity. Last weekend he had a feeding tube inserted which was a distressing procedure. We're glad it's in now though because he is finding eating and drinking extremely difficult because of the mucocitis ( ulcers and sores in mouth, throat, gullet and stomach).

The pain is being managed by a constant infusion of morphine (which he worryingly quite likes!).

Overall, our consultant is pleased with Harvey's progress. He expects the new marrow to wake up at the earliest this weekend so the staff are keeping a close eye on the white cell count. Although the awakening of the new marrow will bring new problems, we still think it an exciting prospect.

The week has flown by, helped by the steady stream of visitors. Everyday someone has popped by to cheer us up and make us feel strong. Today my brother and sister-in-law took me out into the real world for provision buying and lunch. It was a wonderful experience although a bit strange being outside and away from Harvey.

It made me realise that Harvey is going to have a lot of adjusting to do once he is out of here.

Also today (and yesterday) Jonny Wilkinson dropped by. He kindly left 19 DVDs for Harvey to watch whilst in here.

Finally, I am happy to report that Stuart is feeling a bit better and managed to visit us last week. Both Stuart and Rory will be coming to stay at the flat for the weekend, which will ensure we have a wonderful Easter.

I wish you all a happy Easter too and will update you again soon.

Lots of love Caroline and Harvey XXXX