POLICE in Hartlepool are to use special powers to keep potential troublemakers away from problem areas.

Using the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 officers are able to intervene on situations which may lead to alcohol-fuelled violence, anti-social behaviour and criminal damage.

This legislation was initially used in December last year during the festive celebrations and proved effective.

As part of Operation Exodus, officers will issue a direction to leave to disperse crowds in trouble spots.

The direction can prohibit their return for up to 48 hours.

Officers with head cameras will patrol popular drinking areas across the town in order to capture the behaviour and record the issue of the notice.

The powers are only used in circumstances where it would prevent the likelihood of alcohol related crime and disorder, and those who ignore or refuse to accept the officers instructions can be arrested.

Inspector Peter Knights, head of neighbourhood safety in Hartlepool, said: "This legislation is as much about ensuring the safety and well being of those who come into town to enjoy an evening out as it is about challenging the mindless few who seem intent on spoiling it for others.

"My message to revellers coming into Hartlepool town centre to enjoy a night out is - we want everyone to have a good time. If everyone drinks responsibly, acts sensibly and gives consideration to others, everyone should have a good night."