A WIDOW has accused Portuguese police of covering-up her husband's murder.

Devastated Marie Morley was distraught to discover the investigation into her husband David's death has been closed.

The keen golfer was found with severe head injuries after going to buy cigars at a nearby shop while the pair were on holiday in Vilamoura, in June last year.

But despite his wallet, watch, ring and camera all going missing, a police report dismissed speculation he was viciously mugged and claimed he fell while under the influence of alcohol.

Marie, 57, of Holborn Terrace, Ryton, Gateshead, had to take the agonising decision to turn off her husband's life support machine after he was confirmed to be brain dead.

She is furious with the police conclusions and is demanding they re-open the case.

She says a Portuguese neurosurgeon who treated David in Lisbon told her his black eye was caused by a punch.

And the extent of his injuries, according to the experts, indicate the blow was so fierce it would have literally knocked him off his feet.

Now the former bank worker is taking on the Portuguese authorities, accusing the police of an inept investigation into the 64-year-old's death.

She said: "I have received translated documents from the prosecutor's office saying they have closed the case and written it off as an accident, despite the fact my husband's wallet, watch, ring and camera were missing.

"David still had two gold chains around his neck. I believe the robbers were disturbed when an English couple came along the path when he was lying on the ground.

"I owe it to David to give him justice and I want to warn other tourists to take extra care while walking around Vilamoura, especially alone. Why do they think that covering something like this up is going to protect their tourism when tourists are still going to be attacked? It's shameful.

"My husband had fractured ribs to his lower back and bones broken at the front of his head, together with burst sinuses - the type of injury sustained, I am told by experts, by someone who has been taken off their feet by force.

"I have written to the Portuguese authorities in the strongest terms saying they have not treated my husband's death as a serious crime. I cannot accept their findings.

"I'm determined to carry on for his sake and to help me come to terms in my mind that I have done everything for him."

Grieving Marie believes not enough is being done by the Portuguese police to protect holidaymakers. She said: "A receptionist in Lisbon told me the police are encouraged to treat incidents with tourists in a low profile manner."

She is also desperately trying to trace two British couples who came across her stricken husband in the hope they can help add weight to her claims. Marie is liaising with the British Embassy in Lisbon and a Foreign Office official.