Cockfield Club rocked to the sounds of the Emerald Thieves last night, as over two hundred people turned out to support the fight to save the club.

On a night that was reminiscent of the club in its heyday, a packed concert room was entertained to some superb Irish rock. With songs from the likes of Snow Patrol and Thin Lizzie, as well as more traditional Irish jigs. I thought it was also quite appropriate for Cockfield that there was a girl ‘on the fiddle’!

Seriously though, it goes to prove that if top entertainment is provided by the club, people WILL support it. The night was so successful, that quite a number of people were turned away.

It’s a shame, but health and safety rules mean that a maximum amount of tickets could be sold, and so those people that wanted to pay on the door were refused entry. I hope it doesn’t deter them from buying tickets next time, as I’m led to believe that more nights like this are planned.

Kevin Clarey and Micky Maroney worked hard with the ticket selling and helped out on the door, while several of the committee worked hard behind the bar.

During the interval, Graham Smith, ran a ‘coin toss’ to win a bottle of whiskey. Andrew Pattison came out the winner, (I was robbed into 2nd place!) tossing a pound coin to within a couple of inches of the bottle from about ten yards away.

Jackie Hammond summed up the night, “It’s been brilliant” she said. “A lot of people who would normally go to West Auckland or Bishop on a Saturday night are here. There’s no need to leave the village when you have entertainment on your doorstep, and you save on taxi and bus fares.”

WELL DONE to all concerned.

The momentum needed to take the club forward, has well and truly started!