THE Archbishop of York will conduct his now traditional open-air Easter baptisms today.

The ceremony involves people being fully immersed in a large tank of water.

Dr John Sentamu will perform the baptisms outside the West End of York Minster.

The service of baptism has been organised by One Voice York, a network of Christian churches working together across the city.

Graham Hutchinson, from One Voice York, said: ''These baptisms are a public sign of commitment to a new way of life so it's a brave step to take, especially outdoors in a Yorkshire spring.

''We expect hundreds of people from different churches to come and watch, and everybody is welcome.''

Last year 20 worshippers took the plunge in temperatures which hovered a few degrees above freezing.

Easter has fallen almost three weeks later this year and participants will be hoping for warmer day.

Baptism of new adult believers by total immersion is considered highly symbolic of the Christians' death to their old life and re-birth in Jesus Christ.

It is seen as a particularly appropriate way to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Day.