A TRAIN passenger has spoken of her disgust after sharing a carriage with drunken football supporters.

Marilyn Longstaff said she felt “very frightened” during a journey from King’s Cross, in London, to Darlington on Saturday evening.

She and a friend were returning from a holiday in France when they were joined on the train by Sunderland supporters who had been watching their team play West Ham.

She said: “It was awash with very drunk and belligerent supporters.

“It can’t be right that two women in their 50s are not able to feel safe on public transport and can’t get to the buffet for a cuppa.”

A ban on alcohol meant the women were told they had to drink or throwaway two bottles of wine they were bringing home for friends before boarding the train. Although staff relented and allowed the pair to stash the bottles in their luggage, Mrs Longstaff, 58, from Darlington, described the policy as a “joke”.

The retired teacher said: “The supporters had smuggled on all sorts and were already out of their skulls from drinking since 7am.

“At Peterborough, hoards of police boarded the train and there was a charge down the aisle near us as a policeman wrestled a man to the floor and handcuffed him.”

Mrs Longstaff said some of the fans apologised after sobering up, but the incident still left a bitter taste in the mouth.

“It seems that the policy of declaring trains ‘alcohol-free’ is not working,” she added. “It seems that trouble on Saturday evening trains is expected.

“Are we saying that it is not possible for ordinary citizens to travel after a certain time on a Saturday?”

British Transport Police said the trouble at Peterborough involved Sheffield Wednesday, Leeds United and Sunderland supporters which had come together at the station.

Seven men aged between 17 and 48 were arrested following the disorder.

A National Express East Coast spokesman said, “The banning of alcohol on trains is a standard practice when any of the big three North- East football clubs are playing in London.

“While the vast majority of football fans are well-behaved when travelling on our services, a small minority are still intent on causing trouble.”

Anyone with information is asked to call British Transport Police free on 0800-40-50- 40 quoting incident 616 of 4/4/09.

Information can also be provided anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.