A CRICKETER is facing the challenge of a lifetime as he gears up to climb the highest mountain in Africa.

Chris Bayliss, who keeps wicket for Stokesley Cricket Club, in North Yorkshire, will scale the 19,300ft peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania.

The six-and-a-half day climb, in August, to raise money for Childreach International, will feature temperatures ranging from -20C to 30C.

Mr Bayliss said: “I have never done any serious climbing or fundraising before.

“Now, I am going running several times a week so that I am fit enough to climb the mountain, and also devoting all my spare time to fundraising. I have even been selling doughnuts to help.”

Mr Baylis hopes to raise £2,200 for the charity, which aims to give children in the poorest parts of Africa the chance of a better future.

Sponsor him at just giving.com/chrisbayliss09