IT has become one of the biggest events in the region’s equine calendar – and yesterday was one of the best yet.

Despite the rain and overcast skies, the crowds showed up in their thousands for the 20th annual Middleham Stables Open Day.

And although the final counts are still to be made, the event – sponsored by The Northern Echo – turned out to be a record-breaker.

Last year, the event attracted 4,500 visitors, but yesterday the figure was nearer 6,500, and altogether the racing fans – of all ages – raised well over £10,000 for various local charities.

“It really has gone tremendously well,” said a spokesman for the event.

“Everything is well up on last year – which we are particularly pleased with in the light of the poor weather and the credit crunch.

“We had hoped this would be our best-ever open day and it’s has turned out to be a truly memorable one.

“It has been just great to see people enjoying all the horses and the stables – and to see them walking round with smiles on their faces.”

Shadow Foreign Secretary and local MP William Hague was the guest speaker at a dinner held in the Middleham Key Centre the night before the event, And actress and radio personality Kathryn Apanovicz – partner of the late Richard Whiteley – formally launched the proceedings yesterday.

Fifteen of Middleham’s stables threw open their stable TASTY TREAT: A racehorse enjoys a carrot offered by a young visitor Pictures: CHRIS BOOTH SPLASHING OUT: A horse in the exercise pool doors for the day and bus links between the car-parks and the outlying stables made sure no one missed a thing.

And for the first time since the open day began, there were afternoon events on Low Moor.

They included a popular display of two-year-olds, an open-air show by the North Country Theatre Group, a school demonstration by National Hunt horses and a parade of rehabilitated racehorses.

Leyburn Band provided the music, and other attractions included a country fair, art show, a wide range of stalls, a blacksmith demonstration and plenty of hot and cold refreshments.