AS families all over the region get together to enjoy the holiday, a desperate Easter plea for help has been made by another family in the depths of despair.

York University chef Claudia Lawrence has now been missing without trace for more than three weeks - leaving her family devastated.

And her father, solicitor Peter Lawrence, a committed churchgoer, said he wanted to make a fresh appeal this weekend as Easter is a time of hope.

Yesterday he met with his old friend the Reverend Canon John Manchester, who has been the vicar of Old Malton for 33 years.

Miss Lawrence went to Sunday School at the church when she was a girl and her father has been in daily contact with the vicar since she disappeared.

And a statement on Mr Lawrence’s behalf said: "Easter is a time of hope, a time when families can be together, a time in the Christian church for celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

"For Peter and the family, this is an impossibly difficult and bewildering time when life is on hold.

"They are gaining much strength from, and feeling sustained by, the prayers of those who have a faith and the compassionate thoughts of those who do not.

"They know that someone out there knows where Claudia is and they hope that, whoever they are, they will search their conscience and inform either the police or Crimestoppers.

"They are very grateful for everyone’s kindness and now just wish for the safe return of Claudia to them and to her friends."

Miss Lawrence, 35, was last seen after leaving work on the afternoon of March 18 and has not been heard from since - despite being a prolific user of her mobile ‘phone.

Her handbag, money and credit cards were all left at her home in Heworth Road, York.

In their efforts to track her down North Yorkshire police have mounted their biggest investigation since the hunt for quadruple killer Mark Hobson five years ago.

But so far they have had no leads - and they believe she has come to harm at the hands of someone she knew.

Prayers have also been said at York Minster and her local church in Heworth as well as at Old Malton.