ALMOST a hundred people have signed up to a new food-sharing initiative aimed at bringing cheap, fresh fruit and vegetables to the doorsteps of people in Teesdale.

Teesdale Conservation Volunteers (TCV) Plot to Pot scheme aims to encourage people in the dale to grow their own food and then sell what they dont need to others.

TCV is currently refurbishing a minibus which will be used to tour around Teesdale selling unwanted fresh produce.

The project, part funded by the Local Food Fund, also involves workshops being set up to teach people new skills, including bee keeping and looking after hens.

Martin Bacon, from TCV, said he had been encouraged by the amount of interest in the scheme.

"We had a meeting which was very well attended and we have since had quite a few inquiries about it - so we are very pleased with how its going," said Mr Bacon.

"We have asked people what they want to learn about so we are now getting a real idea about what sort of workshops we should be running."

The group is also on the lookout for more food doctors - who can offer help and advice to less experienced growers.

"All were after is people who have a bit of experience and can help others over the phone or on the website.

"Experience is the best qualification you can have as a food doctor."

For more details about Plot to Pot, visit