HE’S only a little lad - but he is certainly a big achiever.

Six-year-old Zak Parlby had planned to raise £25 towards the restoration of the legendary Flying Scotsman by completing a 40m swim at the newly-refurbished Guisborough Pool.

But the huge support he received from family and friends at home in Staithes near Whitby meant the 16 lengths he completed eventually bought in a whopping £600.

And he was feted like a star when he went to the National Railway Museum in York to hand over the cheque - and get a close-up look at his favourite loco.

Mum Johanna said: "Zak is absolutely thrilled he has raised so much money for Flying Scotsman.

"He has been watching the restoration of the locomotive for the past two years and was desperate to do something to help. He loves his swimming and realised that this was how he could help."

She added: "Zak has always had a passion for trains. It all started with Thomas the Tank Engine when he was just 15 months old - and he visits the National Railway Museum six times a year."

The museum’s development executive, Katie Watkinson, said: "Zak’s achievement is truly astounding.

"We were thrilled when Zak's mum got in touch to tell us about his aim to raise £25, but to have raised £600 is just incredible and we are so grateful.

"It’s truly inspiring to see that our quest to bring the Flying Scotsman back to Britain’s tracks has struck a chord with a new generation of enthusiasts."

The museum’s Steam Our Scotsman appeal aims to raise £250,000 to complete the restoration project and bring loco No 4472 back into steam.