POLICE are trying to trace a man they believe has information about the throwing of a bottle during the last Newcastle v Sunderland derby match.

During the game at St James' Park on Sunday February 1, which ended in a 1-1 draw, a plastic soft drink bottle was thrown at a group of Sunderland players from the Sir John Hall Stand.

Northumbria Police today released a CCTV still of a man, wearing a Newcastle United black and white top, who they believe may have information about the incident.

Sergeant Glen Patterson, of the force's Football Unit, said: "The overwhelming majority of fans at the match were well-behaved and wanted nothing more than to attend the match free from the fear of violence, disorder or other crime.

"Despite this and our warnings about the penalties that awaited troublemakers, there were still some willing to risk their freedom by trying to spoil the day for others.

"Public safety is our priority during any football match and this means any individual or groups of people who pose a risk to public safety will be dealt with by police.

"Although the bottle did not hit a player, it had the potential to cause injury and we are keen to speak to the man pictured on the CCTV as we believe he may have information about the incident."

Anyone with information should call Northumbria Police on 03456-043-043 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.